Developing an Assessment Plan for Your Project

Logframe Design & Development

Your Impact Assessment Plan

An introduction to the value of structured and planned assessment of projects, with discussion of how these can be measured in various ways.

Logical Framework Example

Example for planning, monitoring and evaluation. It summarises the expected outcomes of a project and explains how these are to be achieved.

Risk Assessment

Identifying risk at a project’s start is key. This example ensures all parties are aware of the likelihood of certain risks, who is responsible, and ways to mitigate for them.

Soup Analogy

Using the analogy of making soup, we simply demonstrate the difference between Goals, Objectives, Inputs, Processes, Outputs, Outcomes and Impacts.

Keeping Track

Keeping Track Online

Quantitative assessment often requires you to record and keep track of your online activity and engagement, such as social media. This list of online tools will help.

Activity Consent Form

Consent forms should always be used where data is to be collected with or from participants. This form agrees their consent, but also ensures their understanding.

Activity Log (Quantitative)

Where projects require a certain level of engagement or participation, using examples such as this with project partners can help ensure targets are met.

Activity Log (Qualitative)

This shows how online tools such as Google Forms can be used with partners to gather information and narratives regarding project events, workshops, training, etc.


Evaluation Report Example

The example here suggests how an evaluation report might be structured, and what is to be expected from each of the sections, in agreement with your client.