Ethics and Risk

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Ethical evaluation principles

How to deal with client expectations of an evaluation, as well as consent and participant withdrawal.

Ethical frameworks and guidelines

Resources and guiding documents that will help you plan for and encounter ethical concerns in evaluation.

Data storage principles

Outlining the key areas of the EU General Data Protection Regulation, and applying further common sense to data storage.

What might arise? An ethics checklist

How can participants be made as comfortable as possible during interviews, while still remaining sufficiently on focus?


Identifying project risks

A flow chart to use regularly on projects in anticipating and dealing with potential risks.

Evaluating change and project exits

A table template for use at regular project intervals to track positive and negative change, and safe exit from a project.

Evaluate with caution

Consider the impact your evaluation will have on your client and their stakeholders andfunders. Be critical, but constructive.